Pan card status any pan card application

Pan card is issued by two authorities in india. first NSDL and second UTI both authorities have authority to issue or generate your PAN (Permanent account number ) . Both authorities is working under the income tax department of india. So you can apply either NSDL or UTI.

NSDL – National Securities Depository Limited is a central securities depository based in mumbai India. NSDL is widely recognise for its depository, PAN and TIN-FC (tax related) service provider in india. NSDL created many agencies for pan card and tax return filling.

if you applied pan card through NSDL then you should get the pan status from NSDL pan status portal.

How to get/know pan card status NSDL ?

Step 1 : go to the nsdl pan status portal from following link/url.

Step 2 : 

Select the application type -> select PAN – new /changes request.

Step 3 : 

Enter your pan application Acknowledgement Number 

Step 4 :

Enter the verification captcha code (available on the screen in small zig zag image which is combination of alphabets and numbers). captcha is a case sensitive code.

Step 5 :

Submit the form and you will get your pan card application or pan status on the page.


How to get/know pan card status UTI / UTIITSL ?

Step 1 : go to the UTI pan status portal from following link / url .

Step 2 : 

You can enter either pan number or  Application Coupon number for pan status from UTI portal.

Step 3 :

Enter captcha code.

Step 4 :

Submit the form and you will get the pan status on the screen.